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21st December 2024, 11:31
Thanks rhsl, I simply didn't spot the city involved in one of those clues.
11 of 29  -   Report This Post


21st December 2024, 12:05
I have to say that how to complete this is currently baffling me. Is the numerical sum of the "means" 59?
12 of 29  -   Report This Post


21st December 2024, 12:13
Hi gitto. Yes it is.
13 of 29  -   Report This Post


21st December 2024, 12:15
I've completed all but the five words required. I 'm pretty sure what I'm looking for, but not which, and I think I know what how they are used. Hmm?
14 of 29  -   Report This Post


21st December 2024, 12:25
I too am confused about the five words. Based on the source material, it seems there are four words that would fit very cleanly, but I'm not sure how to make it five without inelegant redundancy, which feels wrong. I also have a vague sense of what the final step itself might be, but it's not obviously and unambiguously correct.
15 of 29  -   Report This Post


21st December 2024, 12:39
A shame the source material didn't slightly reorder the "meaning"...
16 of 29  -   Report This Post


21st December 2024, 12:51
Grrr! I think I now have the 5 words, the end of which can be used as I expected. Sadly, the rest doen't seem to so, either my words are wrong, or they're used in a different way than I'd thought. Time to step away for a while, methinks.
17 of 29  -   Report This Post


21st December 2024, 16:00
I am at the same stage, with a full grid, all the clashes and the theme etc. But again, do not see how to progress. Presumably, splitting the grid and inserting the missing centres of the 7 clues is not sufficient (and too obvious). But what 5 words?
A myriad possibilities. This seems to me like another GWIT situation.
18 of 29  -   Report This Post


21st December 2024, 16:32
eenk - have you googled the theme?
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21st December 2024, 17:00
Yes. None the wiser.
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