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20th July 2024, 13:02
For myself I need two answers to kill this one off. - 24a Like the sadistic sex worker, refrain from draping, drippy man around one (8) I have --m-n--- and also 12 a "inadequate" read by gutted politician (6_ I have ---n-y. I am assuming also that 8d is eccentric but not overly happy about it. Many thanks in anticipation.
21 of 33  -   Report This Post


20th July 2024, 13:08
24 Dominant
12 Scanty, i adequare. Scan, read and T(or)y.
8 Eccentric is fine.
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20th July 2024, 13:45
23 of 33  -   Report This Post


20th July 2024, 17:45
Private Eye 783.
Help please.20d - 6 letters.
President managed to get around age difficulty R----A-.
13d - 5 letters. Touches up in audition break. P---E
24 of 33  -   Report This Post


20th July 2024, 17:51
20d defn "president", parses as [anag of "age" (3)] inside "managed (3)"

13d is a homophone, defn. "break"
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20th July 2024, 20:06
15/17 AC
One of 12 celebs swilling gin (4,4)

16 DN
Tory leader full of old fashioned sorrow - not a typical politician's sort of response ?
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20th July 2024, 20:15
15/17: defn "One of 12", parses as 5 ("celebs") followed by anag of "gin"
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20th July 2024, 20:17
16d: defn "not a typical politician's sort of response", parses as "Tory leader" followed by an "old-fashioned" 7-letter word for "full of sorrow".
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20th July 2024, 20:24
Thanks for help.
Thank you for explanation!

Last two

21 AC
Military's first out and out drone (6)

23/5 DN
"Move over" - US parent going round Korea rudely (4,4)
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20th July 2024, 20:35
21a: defn "drone" parses as "Military's first (1)", followed by "out and out (5).

23/5: defn "Move over", parses as [anag of "Korea" (5)] inside "US parent (3)".
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