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19th July 2024, 18:25
anagram of for; left; in charge
11 of 33  -   Report This Post


19th July 2024, 18:26
So obvious when you point it out!. Thanks again.
12 of 33  -   Report This Post


20th July 2024, 06:07
I'm struggling this issue.

9 AC
Wot! Tory right shortly on rampage? Never mind (3,2,5)

14 DN
Lack of confidence leads to drugs being taken by Cynthia sadly (9)
13 of 33  -   Report This Post


20th July 2024, 06:17
9 Not To Worry, never mind - from an anagram (on rampage), Wot Tory and Rt (right shorlty).
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20th July 2024, 06:19
14 Hesitancy, lack of confidence. Another anagram, Cynthia with two Es (drugs).
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20th July 2024, 10:40
Attempt by his minister to win money from Rishi's doomed venture?
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20th July 2024, 10:41
Election Gamble?
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20th July 2024, 11:33
13 player ambassador with "city doesn't have it" prognosis (8)
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20th July 2024, 11:38
PROP - (rugby) player
HE - His Excellency, applied to ambassadors

What letters do you have, and what are th word counts, for your other one?
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20th July 2024, 11:44
Thank you Chris
Election Gamble fits and I've all the ones touching. What's TH mean?
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