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11th November 2023, 18:27
Hi Minno,

25a - 3 letter "saloon" + anagram of "set" - answer is a proofreading mark to show where something is inserted
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11th November 2023, 18:27
Roof, an actual composer from Bohemia. Well known. A type of 8 has the same name.
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11th November 2023, 18:53
Thanks darla and Brendan. Considered it as a possible word but didn't Google it. Or imagined I had already. 26a "user" parsing a bit odd. Maybe I have that wrong. Single note instrument. Spent a few moments wondering if "Otit" was a wrong thing for 24d. Clue of the day, 4 down because on this day we should remember Amanda McKittrick Ros.
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11th November 2023, 19:04
Hi again, minno. I think "command for 8 user" is the definition in 26.
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11th November 2023, 19:45
Well I'm even more astonished. I have actually finished, though there are lots of words I didn't know or only had a vague idea of. But then I am not musical. Thank goodness for Google. Several I cannot fully parse. But thanks to the Forum for some hints for a couple.

My FOI was like Geeker 18d. My LOI was 26ac, a word I didn't know.

I don't think I can identify a special COD. None of them made me smile.
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11th November 2023, 20:21
Very nice indeed, Thanks Picaroon - and thanks to those here who gave pointers for the 24s, my joint LOI.
FOI was 11a, which gave me the theme and several others followed swiftly, including the variants 9a, 17a and others including the jazzer and the homophone. 26a was new to me.
I think The 3ds were an answer in a musically themed puzzle a few weeks or months ago, I remember we had a discussion with some saying the start of their name referred to a Greek city; we agreed there was another in Egypt and reference to how The 3ds walked meant the latter reference in the clue was appropriate.
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12th November 2023, 02:57
Ouch, didn't enjoy that much.
Can't parse 1, 10, 15, 16, 21 (the first three are interlinked, so I'll concede something might have gone awry)
Hadn't heard of 2, 26, 11, 17
Thoroughly misdirected by 7.
... but all the squares are filled.
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12th November 2023, 04:56
A challenging one from Picaroon FOI 12 across, then it all started to fall into place. Still a bit of a blank in the bottom left hand corner however, any hints on 20 or 23 across would be much appreciated.
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12th November 2023, 10:34
Yes, these are a bit tricky even if you're well familiar with the solutions. Anyway, re 23 understand what the words "on the radio" are telling you. Re 20, find a synonym for skill.
Good luck.
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12th November 2023, 11:10
Curious to know why "on this day", since she was born in December and died in February, but thanks for the reminder anyway. Apparently C S Lewis and Tolkien used to read her stuff aloud in "lose if you laugh first" competitions.
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