I've solved and entered all but 2 clues in to the grid. I would have thought the instruction would be clear by now, but nope! Maybe after I solve my last 2, it will be clear.
Any hints on these 2 clues: "shrewd regarding..." and "scornful response:..."
boson - the shrewd clue I spent hours trying to get astute to fit ... it's a 4-letter word for a quality that usually is defined as cunning or sly + 2-letter word for "regarding" backwards. The sign is astrological. The scornfulness is an old word used in "to be or not to be" ...
Thanks prospero - got them now. But, that implies I have the Maori clue wrong given those answers. I had an answer that is a Kiwi nickname for a dept store (read as two consecutive homophones 4+5)
I also had astute in mind initially (and that had led me to mess up entries earlier on before I realized it was wrong)