Many thanks Chris
It took a while but I got all those. 4d was difficult even though I suspected the anagram. I've never heard of 24d. I've finished apart from 1d, for which I have no idea. What is the definition? I have ?A?P, for which many words would fit. Any hints to help.
Clearly, this will be my LOI, though second to last was 8d. My FOI was 13ac closely followed by 6d and 21,19. (I've looked up the names separately now and see how they relate to the theme), but I can't find many other theme words. My CODS are 10ac and 21,19, though I couldn't parse the latter until I looked them up. I also thought 4d was good. I found a god for 5d, but can't parse it. I'm not sure of 3d or 9ac.
I managed to plant out two Salvia Amistads. Let's hope they survive the drought (no rain here for more than 3 weeks).