Apologies Mattrom, I completely missed your post - that's the state this puzzle has got me into, but I appreciate it anyway 😜
I did finally realise that "accepted" doesn't necessarily have to be 'a' - and it only took me about an hour! 🤬 My problems began when I saw that, with 'a' as part of the anagram, it spells "en c'est la vie" so "that's life" (let's just gloss over the "en") and a definition of "willy-nilly" is 'inevitability" which is sort of the same thing .... kind of ... - well, it made a lot more sense a couple of hours ago, but keep in mind I've only slept 4 hours since my Prize blog 🥱
Anyway, I've got the quote and final word so think I'll put it aside for the night and leave the endgame for tomorrow, ... fresh eyes and all that.
There are still a few I haven't parsed so may well be back later - after some much needed sleep, naturally 😀