Struggling to get over the line. I have 28 of the 30 cells to be highlighted (including the 2 symbols). I also need help with 28 down , which must be the third "affected " answer in which one cell contains more than one letter.
Can anyone help please. I have the theme and have made the necessary alterations. Thank you.
This is tough but I'm pretty sure I have the 30 cells. They include 25 in the top 4 rows, the 2 symbols and 3 after the proposer's (post-modified) name. One of those l3 cells is the one with the (two) vertically-stacked letters.
That's what I have, Muraria. Tony, 28 is two synonyms (4 and 2) for mimic around (nursing) a single-letter abbreviation for about that's in Chambers but probably not used anywhere else outside crosswords.
I found this a frustrating grid fill but worth it for the superb endgame.
Thank you both. I had checked that answer online and only come up with a fabric. I should have gone straight to Chambers.
I had also miscounted my shaded letters . I had 27 not 28. Note to self...don't be so careless.
Thanks again, Loge and Muraria.
Afternoon, all. Well done for getting much further than me. I have 17 of the misprints, and so far they're gibberish. Is that correct? Am I looking at another language for the message?