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13th February 2022, 13:45
Many thanks Loge. I had the timber originally, then thought fell=RISE in an incorrect deletion, and parsed as SALAD leaves mising AD ante diem - though of course that would be before the day, not the day before. Thanks again!
11 of 24  -   Report This Post


13th February 2022, 16:51
Very good puzzle although, with my username, I really should have sussed it more quickly!
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13th February 2022, 17:14
loge - thanks vm.

you have written 39 twice in your response. which of the last two downs has the extra word?
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13th February 2022, 17:20
and yes of course 6d is obvious where the extra word has been used - d'oh! i was obsessed with 6d remains being linked to 6a somehow (which i couldnt parse) - but of course i now realise that wouldnt have been a long enough word to exclude - double d'oh!
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13th February 2022, 17:34
Sorry for typo AndyP. 39 is the one with the extra word. 38 is a normal clue.
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13th February 2022, 19:27
On 36, I read this as SEVAEL i..e LEAVES 'fell' dropping 'EVE', 'the day before'.
Some pretty tricky clueing and obscure definitions ("TEMS" anyone?) making for a tough one overall, esp. if you don't look at the removed letters!
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14th February 2022, 01:26
thanks loge - so is the 39 extra word, one of the 8 extra?

Also 38, i see the wordplay - but dont see how the remaining words form the def?
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14th February 2022, 01:46
Final loose end for me - where is the 8th extra removed word - am i right in thinking there are 4 across and 4 down?
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14th February 2022, 01:49
Final loose end for me - where is the 8th extra removed word - am i right in thinking there are 4 across and 4 down?
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14th February 2022, 07:45
Yes the 39 down extra word is one of the eight. I made it 5 acrosses and 3 downs for this set.

In 38 the first 4 words are the definition. Prime elements means letters in prime number positions, not initial letters.
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