I think you should only submit your solution if you have solved it with no recourse to the BRB, Bradford's, the tinternet, friends, family or answers received from a higher power.
Sorry - couldn't help it. I attempt the Listener every week and probably succeed around 40% (success rate climbing over the last two years). Depending on how I'm going, I'll use an increasing number of tools over time. Starting with the BRB, then Bradfords, then the Internet, and QAT and various word helpers, and then as a last straw I'll come to the forum here. I keep a personal record of completions (I've never submitted and probably never will), but if I have come to the forum for help and subsequently completed the grid, I don't count that as a success. But if I have used electronic word tools to help me, I do count it as a success. My rules, and I judge myself alone.
So when I'm properly stuck, I come here. And I do so, because I love the puzzle and accept that some will be beyond me. For now. My skills improve by coming here and learning how to overcome those clues that stumped me. I think it's great that there are three threads to help me help myself - thanks Norah! First a gentle nudge in the right direction. If that's not enough, then a firm push, and if all else fails, here's the answer.
And I did 4685 all by myself (plus BRB and Bradford and tinternet...)