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30th March 2022, 07:26
18A - before hyphen is CD [tight-fitting collar] - one can turn turtle, neck = cheek = impudence

25A - CD - volume is library book [a fine if not renewed and late]

20A - AmeriCAN IS TERracotta

17D - PERT in TONE, all reversed; definition is trade port

531 of 1660  -   Report This Post


30th March 2022, 07:29
Cheers HW7.
Any ideas on AGARIC?
532 of 1660  -   Report This Post


30th March 2022, 07:37
Only that there's the Garrick Club of course, and 'South London' might conceivably mean poorly pronounced - but that seems pretty flimsy indeed; there must be better.
533 of 1660  -   Report This Post


30th March 2022, 11:41
HW7...yes, AGARIC is not a very satisfying clue.
534 of 1660  -   Report This Post


31st March 2022, 07:02
1a. Estate sounds humble

1d. Thief puts up with fools

17a. One's dubbed this soundtrack into Russian, originally

15d. Like an early church, one saint is able to protect

27a. The press can be oppressive? Exactly!

7d. Rowdy card game, holding honour in hand

Parses for the above please.
535 of 1660  -   Report This Post


31st March 2022, 07:14
1d. Thief is dip (a pickpocket), puts up with is sticks

7d. Pit is a noisy card game, laud is to honour, hand is the definition

17a. initial letters of Soundtrack Into Russian. Dub as in confer a knighthood
536 of 1660  -   Report This Post


31st March 2022, 10:25
1a, "Demean" sounds like "demesne" meaning land or estate.
537 of 1660  -   Report This Post


31st March 2022, 10:39
15d, Saint is "Basil", one is "I", is able is "can".
Basil and can protect/surround I.
538 of 1660  -   Report This Post


31st March 2022, 13:28
27a, A closet can be a cupboard or press.
Oppressive is close, as in weather, "to a T", meaning exactly.
539 of 1660  -   Report This Post


31st March 2022, 15:36
Thanks, rusty, jono and everyone for the explanations.
540 of 1660  -   Report This Post