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6th June 2021, 09:45
Definitely a lot more difficult the last 3 weeks in fact got there in the end 11a was probably COD not one I remembered 15a is tricky if you don't know it. Sold a copy on EBay once so did remember that one! Good luck all
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6th June 2021, 09:57
Well, I've finally put something in all of the squares, but God knows what's going on in the NE corner. Any parsings for 6D, 7D and 12A would be gratefully received. I think I've got the correct answers for all three, but can anyone explain the last three letters of 6D, all of 7D (some sort of transposition of a T???), and what is presumably a tortuous homophone in 12A?
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6th June 2021, 10:03
6d: last three letters mean a command to a horse to turn left. The opposite command is gee, I believe.
7d: put times or x inside the answer to get what may be seen, or the outside.
12a: sounds like cents.
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6th June 2021, 10:07
I couldn’t find that three letter word in any dictionary even though the opposite meaning of ‘gee’ is, which is curious I thought (unless I’m looking in the wrong places). It was a new one for me!
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6th June 2021, 10:20
Hi, I'm new at doing cryptic crosswords. I wonder if someone would explain what COD means? I looked for a table of abbreviations but couldn't find anything.
Thank you Aiden
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6th June 2021, 10:20
Thanks Mathi and Jono
Phew! Kicking myself re 7D (I have a real blind spot whenever 'times' appears in a clue!), but the other two are terrible clues. As Jono says, the required definition for the last bit of 6D does not appear in either Chambers or the COD, which to my mind means it is way too obscure to be fair. As for the homophone definition in 12A ('euro's make-up') ... Awful!
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6th June 2021, 10:22
Hi Aiden, and welcome (on Brendan's behalf)
COD is simply clue of the day -- the poster's favourite.
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6th June 2021, 10:24
Hi all.
Aidey, welcome! COD is clue of the day.
Struggled with some of these but completed it before seeking help here on some parsing.
Still don’t understand parsing of 16 & 18 D??
Any hints?
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6th June 2021, 10:27
Hi abarry, 16d is one letter cricket abbr then a word for ancient and a component of poetry
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6th June 2021, 10:30
Hi Barry
16D: Usual single letter abbreviation for 'about', followed by common word for ancient, followed by an (imperial) term for verse (the more common alternative is metric)
18D: French for 'the' (f) around setter describing himself (single letter) and 2-letter abbreviation for blood pressure turned upside down, followed by single letter abbreviation for 'lake' and French version of Mr.
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