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21st November 2020, 21:08
I enjoyed this one.
I managed to solve the inner motif which helped a lot as I am familiar with the term.
My biggest mistake was putting 24d into 27a at the start as I could see there had to be a U in the answer.
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21st November 2020, 23:06
Thanks Chris and everyone for all the hints

I watched the Scandi-noir and then filled in all the solutions very quickly, sometimes rubbing out earlier ones and then finding others. There are some I can't parse, but I think they are all right. I'm glad I always fill in the grid in pencil.

I'd never have got anywhere without all the hints. Getting the theme certainly helped and it took me so long to see it.

Unlike the rest of you, I didn't enjoy it. It was too much of a slog and full of words I don't know or am insufficiently familiar with.

See you all next week when I hope to have a better go at it. Where is Brendan?
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21st November 2020, 23:39
Hi Roof,

I've been away so haven't got round to doing this yet but judging by the comments, it looks pretty difficult.

Glad you got it finished:-)
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22nd November 2020, 14:42
I to had 29a as LOI - seemed a bit of a tough ask to know the French department I thought.
I don't get the duck in 28a 'cos it seems to me all letters are accounted for?
Thanks to Puck for a very fun, cunning bit of Puckery!

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22nd November 2020, 14:45
hi jvector
as i said earlier, this method of cooking isn't necessarily in its own fat. however with duck it generally is, hence it does refer to an actual duck, for once!
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22nd November 2020, 14:48
Hi jvector, I took the duck in 28a to be definition by example of such a dish with the question mark as indicator.
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22nd November 2020, 14:49
Apoloies, I see that the cookery term (which I have mainly seen applied to potatoes on M*sterChef) can be specifically applied to a duck. Depends where you look.
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