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21st November 2020, 13:24
Hi Abi, the 10 in 23a is not a cross reference to another clue. Odd, but intentional I’m sure, that 17a is used as anagram fodder in three different clues.
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21st November 2020, 16:47
Looking for help with 8d, 27a and 31a please.
I like the central rotary word, both as a word in itself (pleasing!) and how is relates to other answers.
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21st November 2020, 16:56
8 and 27 are both thematic.

In 8 "cancan" should be read as "cans"; the rest puts togther quite easily in order.

27 "ransack" is a bit extreme for its synonym. Put U in, then a standard crossword code for "at home".

31 sorry, is really straightforward!
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21st November 2020, 16:58
Great, thanks guys. My knowledge of 60's models and French depts is limited!

Femmenoire, 8d is a container, queen and 18d inside cancan (maybe 2 of baked beans)
27a is 6 letter word for ransack, 2 letter word for home, around the usual letter for university
8d and 27a are theme words
31a is 'be' followed by what Puck was doing when he wrote the puzzle. Troublesome is the def.
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21st November 2020, 17:07
Thanks Abi and Chris
Sometimes when the crossword compiler’s name is in the clue my memory lets me down and I don’t make the “obvious” connection...
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21st November 2020, 17:09
The cancan part of 8d is rather fine. (Maybe this type of clue is common, but I am not very experienced at cryptics). The cleverness made me smile
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21st November 2020, 17:10
That's like my blindness to themes usually, femmenoire - once I've written an answer in, I totally forget it!

This time the theme came first, though.
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21st November 2020, 18:03
I'm having real trouble with this one. I even started earlier than usual. I only got two on the first read through. I cannot see the theme and only have three of the letters in the central block. Where does the word start?
I have an answer for 2d and no definition, but it doesn't look like any theme word. I think I have 11ac, but not having 17ac I'm not sure of the theme. I looked up French Departments but couldn't find one with four or five letters. I have a rock beginning with G, but it has no relevance to the clue.

I need some help but don't know where to start. What about hints for 16d for which I have ?R?C?N??? and 27ac for which I have ?E? ??N???
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21st November 2020, 18:10
having read Chris's hint above, I think I have now got 27ac. If it's a theme word, I can't see how it relates to my answer to 11 ac!
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21st November 2020, 18:18
Do you mean 15d? Your letters match that. 2d isn't thematic. Read the central letters clockwise from 17a. The rock doesn't begin with G (good gues, though!)
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