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8th November 2020, 04:45
Morning all,
Somewhat of a stroll in the park after yesterday’s tester but I rather enjoyed it. Like your theory Brendan! Did you also spot the 3 x CC connection?
Is ‘exclusing’ in 2d a word? And there appear to be two anagrinds in 6d unless I’m misreading it. That particular tree has appeared as fodder two days in a row now. Paul’s clue was typically Pauline.
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8th November 2020, 04:56
Hi Jono,

As per usual I completely missed the 3 CC's!

I thought the second anagram indicator was because the letters in the word it refers to are not in order so are "dancing" in the anagrist.

I glossed over "exclusing", I thought it was just a typo.
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8th November 2020, 05:01
Ah yes, that’s it, thanks!
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8th November 2020, 05:17
Well spotted Jono. I missed that connection completely...
I am stuck with 12a so looking for hints please.

The rest of it was not too taxing today I thought. I like your theme idea, Brendan.
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8th November 2020, 05:28
Hi FemmeNoire,

12a - first 5 letters are from "borders of Hawaii" then the last 4 are from "either border of Woodstock" (In both cases it's how you'd say it if someone asked you "what are the bo ...." and "what are "either border of....." - I was a bit suspicious of the definition but I looked it up in Chambers and it confirmed the answer means "doing".

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8th November 2020, 06:24
Thanks Brendan. Rather pleasing construction. Quite a specific type of “doing” but it does make sense
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8th November 2020, 06:31
I think the usage might be as in “that’s God’s doing” or “that’s God’s .....” for instance
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8th November 2020, 06:33
Thanks FemmeNoire,

Definitely, and it would have been a contender for my COD but I just knocked off a couple of points for the surface reading - "doing borders of...." just doesn't sound right, but still a very good clue.
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8th November 2020, 06:35
Hi Jono,

As I said earlier, I was really surprised to find that the definition "doing" is exactly how it appears in Chambers, along with "creation" and a couple of other more obvious ones.
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8th November 2020, 08:35
Hi all
Sorry, I don't agree about the quality of this one - there were some terrible surfaces. Even if "exclusing" is a typo, what is 2d supposed to mean. 15d was just tedious - in fact I didn't bother to count the letters beyond the third, just guessed what it would be. What is 6d all about?

I've got 14a, but don't understand it. Surely "Eldest of children" is singular?
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