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7th November 2020, 23:55
Thank you to those above for the hints. I've nearly finished but still have a few to get, including the F despite the hints. They are mainly in the northeast corner according to the way I've filled in the grid.

I still have to get the X and the and the F in the 8 letter clues and the I,, the P and the W in the 6 letter clues. The P and the W have to end in the same letter.

I addition there are several I can't fully parse - the A, the G

Just had a penny drop moment and got the F.
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8th November 2020, 01:49
X was a difficult one for me. Hint: it is an obscure subatomic particle. You are right about P and W.
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8th November 2020, 08:16
On the throws of giving up last night but picked it up this morning and thanks to a few hints on this forum I'm done. Very typical Paul slow burner. Other than they were US and UK leaders I have no idea about the rest of the W clue
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8th November 2020, 08:29
Rocky, for ‘players’ think of a three letter abbreviation for an orchestra, then I’m sure it will click
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8th November 2020, 08:29
@rocky7 I parsed it as a synonym of "get" around the initials of a group of players
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8th November 2020, 08:30
Rocky, re W,
A 3 letter word for 'get'. around an abbreviation for a particular group of players. (musicians)
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8th November 2020, 08:49
Yes I think you're both right there. I couldn't see that at all.
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8th November 2020, 09:01
Can anyone help with the parsing of A?
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8th November 2020, 09:09
Abicoop, it's a word for 'yet more', extracting a NO, plus what would be considered a batting success.
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8th November 2020, 09:28
Just I left. I've got i_i_l_ and can't pass any word that fits so may have gone wrong somewhere.
Thanks to Paul for an entertaining and challenging puzzle.
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