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7th November 2020, 18:01
I use a pencil!!
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7th November 2020, 18:50
Anyone thinking like me that the Js would be a good place to start, one of them is a word that took me ages to get. This is a tough one.
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7th November 2020, 19:19
Yes, for me the two J's and two Y's came near the end, I started with the other two 4 letter words and the 10 letter words. Definitely not an easy one today!
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7th November 2020, 19:50
I can't seem to post on the other thread.

Once again I didn't start until late as I was making my second batch of Xmas puddings. I love alphabetical crosswords. My favourite bit is filling in where to put the answers, but I'm not sure I have enough answers yet. I think I have got both Ys and the Z and Q, the latter both new words to me. I've only got one of the Js. But I'm not sure which way round to put them.

I can't parse quite a few, for example the A answer. I'm assuming it is the name of a cricketer. I haven't got all the 10 letters yet. Thanks for the hints with the D, but I'm not sure of the second word. I can't see the spike upside down.

So please can I have some hints for some of the eight letters - perhaps the K and the F and also the S. I'd like to finish before DNA.

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7th November 2020, 19:56
For the K think geology for the blower, and Christmas table decor for the pulled.
The F is quite pauline, a 3 letter tree and a 5 letter waste product.
Hope that helps but without giving too much away.
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7th November 2020, 19:57
K is a double homophone. For the pulled think Christmas.
F is a typical Pauline clue which includes body waste.
S the definition is very quick. Think aeroplanes.
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7th November 2020, 20:23
D is an agricultural machine for preparing ground for sowing.

F doesn't end in K. It's a "Pauline" clue!

Main thread isn't letting me post again!
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7th November 2020, 20:24
I thought the F answer was something ending with a K, but it sounds like I'm wrong.
I have the Alaskan J, but struggling with the other J.
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7th November 2020, 20:25
The other J is a German word
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7th November 2020, 21:06
It's the R word that ends with a K.
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