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2nd November 2020, 18:17
No problem alwayspuzzled. I got the second name as it is one of the very few females (or maybe the only one) mentioned in the plot synopsis on the film's Wiki page.
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2nd November 2020, 18:31
Fool that I am I was looking for the name of one of his professional partners. All is now complete.
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2nd November 2020, 18:39
38d - Got it! Did I say I'd looked in Chambers??? 🥵
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4th November 2020, 17:32
Greetings from the sandbank. I've found this one very difficult but managed to fill the grid with the requisite number of blanks. Could I test my understanding before trying the next stage?
I have six clues where the extra word has only one letter which differs from the answer. These six letters from an anagram of the surname of a film director: his first name is that of the surname of a famous male star.
Am I on the right lines? If so I'll splash on. If not I'll go and have a herring and regroup tomorrow.
Many thanks. This forum is really helpful in isolated rural lockdown
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4th November 2020, 17:38
There are 8 clues that fill 3 or 4 letter slots, so you should have 8 letters.
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4th November 2020, 18:02
Thanks buddy - I'll look again
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5th November 2020, 14:14
All done now. Ironically I cannot parse 1 across so any hint there would be appreciated.

This was a real toughie and I must again express nay thanks to buddy for stopping me proceeding along entirely the wrong lines. I should have read the preamble more thoroughly. I didn't help myself by starting off convinced that it referred to the famous Beatty/Dunaway confusion at the Oscars.

It was in fact an extremely good film and I well remember it from the glorious long lost days when Mrs Seal and I could go to our local seaside cinema followed by fish and chips. May those days return.
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5th November 2020, 15:30
1ac is one of those clues where a load of unnecessary words are chucked in just to confuse us, williamseal -
'Priest' (as you know) is the def - 'cut away superficial elements of' gives the 4 letter word on the outside of D(eus ).
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5th November 2020, 15:35
...I share your sadness at the temporary loss of the fish and chip shop - it's taken me 20 years to find a decent one in the landlocked county I now live in( unfortunately, it's a 25 minute drive away - so lockdown 2 has scuppered that for a while).
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5th November 2020, 16:27
Thanks drxx - I see it now
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