I can honestly say this is one of the best Everyman crosswords I've ever done - it is an absolute delight.
It's filled with wit, humour and some ingenious cluing.
My FOI was 6a , then 10a and they were followed by the quite brilliant 8d - it's only six words but each one is pivotal to the answer and has as good as a surface as your likely to see.
I didn't find it too difficult, although I'm still a tad puzzled by 1d. However, if you do get stuck there are two very long anagrams in the downs and one in the acrosses, there's also a fairly easy hidden in the acrosses.
Side note - By weird coincidence, last night I was just watching the TV series Hannibal and in the episode he serves a drink which was created by Auguste Escoffier - as was 13d 😉
There's also another drink at 12a which I've never heard of but the wordplay is clear.
COD - There are so many candidates, 9a is a great charade type clue, made up of four separate parts, 11d hangs together beautifully. Then there's the aforementioned 8d and the witty and clever 24a and 26a. But I'm going with succinct 21d - Loudly scare off an animal: a mule, perhaps (4) - Just brilliant:-)
It's been great to see so many new posters joining our friendly Everyman discussion thread. Remember, if you get stuck you only have to ask and there's always someone willing to help.
Thanks to Everyman for a fantastic puzzle.
Stay safe:-)