Very absorbing puzzle, which has given me an excuse for not doing anything useful all weekend! Roll on next Saturday, only today's Azed to keep me occupied until then.
Sloth, have you tried Harper's puzzle, looks good this month, that's my next fix.
Granama at post 25, I'm curious you say highlighting goes 6 13 7, when mine go 13 6 7?
(With the 13 and the 6 both being two words.)
Hi Lumen, you are quite right. I'd highlighted the 6 letters that weren't included in the wordplay rather than the ones that are the right way round.
Can anyone enlighten me on the parsing of 32a? Have the answer and spare letter.
At = def
Name of US state with a city called Augusta (not the obvious one) around 4-letter abbreviation for figure (which has been compared to lies and damned lies in the past!)
Finally found the last 13 letters (5,8). I spent ages looking for W.... P.... or Fi..... P.... but eventually twigged when I saw the first three letters of the 2nd word. I'm really impressed by the shape of the 5,8 - such a classy final touch:-)