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16th October 2020, 21:29
I still can't see the wood for the trees there but a brief look at what could be added to 6d and 23d gave me an idea and a quick look at Wiki to collect the other items quickly resolved everything. Good puzzle I thought.
11 of 57  -   Report This Post


16th October 2020, 22:00
Thanks as ever, tatters - although I can't say I enjoyed it.
An easy grid-fill followed by some very obscure 'clues' and an opaque preamble - but once one of the thematic additions falls the rest follow very quickly (a quick start, a long period of inertia and then over in a flash).
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16th October 2020, 22:37
Quite enjoyed it myself, in part as I was pleased to get one over on Ifor having failed to sort out the endgame in his latest Magpie puzzle!

Still have a bit of parsing to noodle and would like to solve the hidden clues for completeness but all done.

Thanks Ifor.
13 of 57  -   Report This Post


16th October 2020, 22:48
I enjoyed this enormously, though I agree that the clues generated from extra words had some pretty damn obscure references. This puzzle shows my age - the last answer to the generated clues didn't exist when I studied the subject at university!

Does anyone else agree that there is an ambiguity regarding the extra word for 25 across? There are two possibilities which both give the same single letter abbreviation, though it doesn't really matter generated clue as either works equally well.
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16th October 2020, 22:50
...really matter IN THE generated clue as either works equally well.

Apologies for illiteracy.
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16th October 2020, 22:54
The 5th thematic clue appears to have more parts to it than we really need.
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16th October 2020, 23:02
Yes, I think 25 is ambiguous and it doesn't have a very good surface either way (also, is the 2nd word in 8d strictly necessary?).
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16th October 2020, 23:03
How so? Seems OK to me. I won't go into detail unless asked to, for fear of spoilers.
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16th October 2020, 23:05
Sorry we crossed - I was referring to your post at 16.
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16th October 2020, 23:23
Because I could arrive at a reasonable answer from the first two words.
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