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10th October 2020, 15:13
It is the works that are 12 letters. The author's name is part of the '20 further letters'
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10th October 2020, 15:13
The 12 refers to the 'generic works'.
The author's name (in the grid) is part of where they are kept.
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10th October 2020, 17:24
I have the 20 shaded letters in the framework but inside i have 15 letters which don't seem to be any sense?
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10th October 2020, 17:27
Typical soon as i submit i see it!!
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11th October 2020, 08:28
Another fun puzzle but before I put it away can I get the wordplay for.....

3d Second pair of directors get Willow in close again (6)

I'm sure of my answer but cannot parse one single letter of it!
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11th October 2020, 08:30
......and of course, I see it within seconds of posting!
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11th October 2020, 08:32
Brendan, I immediately thought of you when I saw one of the instructions - 'to be highlighted in a different colour'. That'd please you!
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11th October 2020, 08:36
Hi Malone,

Most definitely - I decided to go with with some "flowery" colours 😉
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11th October 2020, 12:07
Having totally failed to make any headway with last week's puzzle, I've managed to redeem myself (a little) this time. I have a completed grid, and have found the framed works and their surroundings, but I'm still head-scratching over parses of three clues:
12 - I thought the extra letter would be C, which with the first two letters of the answer, yields a kind of wheel. Extra appears to be E
15 - Couldn't unravel the wordplay at all! Filled in from definition and adjoining letters.
42 - First 4 letters give 'endlessly seek', and there looks like a partial anagram for the rest of it, but it wouldn't quite work for me. Is this where the final missing S should come from?

Thanks in advance!
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11th October 2020, 12:17
12a S shaped is the defn
15a REALA is the feminine of 'realo' (a male member of the German Green party) with L(ake) inside and E (=250, numeral) on the end

42a 'briefly seek' = CHAS(e) + SID(e) = 'division' + I(n) + M(ass) with S missing
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