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2nd October 2020, 15:54
Thanks, Tatters.
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2nd October 2020, 22:21
Thanks tatters - I think this would have been much more enjoyable if the setter hadn't been given so much latitude with the clues (for me, there are a few definitions that barely do the job) but I think the endgame works well.
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3rd October 2020, 09:15
I agree the endgame works well. It's only spoiled by my appalling drawing, which makes a certain purveyor of unmade beds look like a great artist!
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3rd October 2020, 09:20
I have a full grid, but cannot parse 1a or 21d even though I know the extra words that are to be removed. On the brave assumption that i have systematically removed the correct letters I have a jumble of words that do not seem to make any sense to me. I am therefore baffled as how to identify the 52 cells in the grid, or how to complete the bottom line - time for another coffee!!1
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3rd October 2020, 09:24
Do you want hints to the clues, Gitto?
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3rd October 2020, 09:25
Ha - I’m in the exact opposite position.

Have the theme and the understand the extractions so think I would know how to get find the 52 cells ...... but only have a third of the clues done so far.

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3rd October 2020, 09:35
Hi Loge, let me grid-stare for a while, something normally goes clang in my head if I persevere long enough
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3rd October 2020, 09:44
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3rd October 2020, 10:14
i've sort of sorted this, as I have the four representations from the removed letters, although the phrase still eludes me, and I have the 52 letters in the grid. I now need to figure out the curves to draw + the oval and the last two lines. I do get irritated when the PDM is more difficult than the damn crossword itself.
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