Well it's Tuesday evening so time for the bottom of the class to ask questions.
I'm finding this a brute. Having consulted the thread I've picked up a few more answers. I will observe that the penultimate 'seahorse' clue may be the most difficult I've ever encountered.
If someone could offer me the following nudges I'll carry on.
Does the answer to the blessing definitely go in the lower of the two ten space across clues? If so presumably a replacement word must go in the ten spaceabove it.
Could I ask for a nudge on the second (and third if it doesn't start with a c) of the six letter b words.
And finally (until Friday) could someone give me the letter the goes in the top NW square and are either of the words that it starts replacements?
Aubenayang has just re-signed so there is some reason to take heart, even if my contract at the circus is unlikely to be renewed.
Hope I'm not expelled for so many questions. Thanks