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5th September 2020, 16:36
Well you are all in advance of me today. But if you could help me a little.
27a) Bart, perhaps, staying out back in a baseball cap (6) I have ?IT?L?
12d) wrong to turn up as unpleasant old meddler (5)
I have T? O ?T
11 of 30  -   Report This Post


5th September 2020, 16:42
Hello, Jogamel,

'Bart' isn't a name, it's a ... designation.

12 A. I'd never dream of calling you ' a silly old T?O?T'. There's a common (in crosswords) legal wrong, plus one letter from a short word...
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5th September 2020, 16:52
Malone, I hate to query you, but I think that as the first letter of the reversed legal term is dropped, the last two letters are the Latin word for “as” which pops up occasionally. Forgive me if you meant that and I misread you
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5th September 2020, 17:00
No, Quisling, you're correct - and thanks! I'd forgotten to check which letter I'd dropped, I just glanced over the clue in Jogamel's post.

Sorry, Jogamel.... and you can call me 12 D now!
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6th September 2020, 13:08
I've filled the grid with solutions and 3 of the across highlights but the outer highlights (particularly the top line) look like gibberish! I can make a couple of words ie 30d if the second last word of the first part of the quote apply to them.
Despite the early nudge on the thread I'm still baffled.
Another hint would be appreciated.
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6th September 2020, 13:17
Granamaq, the top line is definitely an odd-looking word, phrase. It's from another culture. You're correct about the penultimate word of the quotation being significant, helpful.
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6th September 2020, 13:18
Hi Granama,

I feel your pain. I had exactly the same problem with the unclued on the top row but if you put the letters you have in to this solver you should get it.- it's a Jewish phrase.

I'm also stuck on the the down unclueds, nothing seems to fit - the search goes on....
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6th September 2020, 13:20
Ahhh! I see - the 30d is missing it's ......m

Thanks Malone
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6th September 2020, 13:20
The downs are treated thematically, brendan.
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6th September 2020, 13:21
Thanks Drxx, I'll look again after the Grand Prix, hopefully I'll see something new.
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