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30th August 2020, 13:51
Jif@67, igneed it should! (:o)
71 of 81  -   Report This Post


31st August 2020, 19:55
Amazingly I have had a good run on this one (and Arsenal and Cardiff Blues both won) so it's good news on the sandbank.

I've finished the grid, identified the nine letter answer and managed to understand five of the seven thematic definitions (and even cracked the title). I would never have managed 22 down without the repeated help above.

Is anyone struggling to 'translate' 19 across and, 1 down? I'm still trying but it would be nice to have a hint on either,

Thanks to anyone who'll throw me a fish
72 of 81  -   Report This Post


31st August 2020, 20:15
1d mocha becomes comma
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31st August 2020, 20:18
Thanks xwordfan

I would never have got it - one to go. A most enjoyable puzzle at (for me) about the right level of difficulty.
74 of 81  -   Report This Post


31st August 2020, 20:48
pe - gym
a - associate
cock - rick

Key [principal] Pock [pitting]

That's how I resolved it at least. Wouldn't surprise me if there is another view though.
75 of 81  -   Report This Post


31st August 2020, 20:54
Thank you tatters

I’d never have got ther
76 of 81  -   Report This Post


4th September 2020, 01:47
Can someone help me parse 13? Yellow jacket is an American one jester cut especially short. I have the answer, see the definition, know the extra letter, and can see the second half of the wordplay, but don’t see where the wa comes from...
77 of 81  -   Report This Post


4th September 2020, 02:10
Hi Mooncow,

I'm not certain of this but I think it's...

Chambers gives "yellow jacket" as an American term, so the first five words are the definition, then "Jester cut" = WA(g) + ESP for "especially short"/abbreviated with E being extra.
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4th September 2020, 15:09
Thanks brendan — I’d not thought of it as an American name, but Chambers does indeed list it as such. I think strictly we need the first six words to be the definition then! Though I can’t help feeling the clue works better if the word “one” is simply omitted. A nice puzzle this one, but one or two of the clues seem to be working a wee bit too hard to me :-)

I’m also just a little unhappy with 18a. I have the answer, and see where it comes from, complete with omitted letter, but Chambers doesn’t give the definition per the clue as far as I can see. Can anyone elucidate?
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4th September 2020, 15:24
Mooncow, I wondered about that, and wondered if the definition is in the latest edition of Chambers. Mine is slightly older!
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