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30th August 2020, 09:24
No problem. I thought that misdirection was actually the cleverest part of the puzzle, and sent me down a rabbit hole for as long as it took me to solve the rest
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30th August 2020, 09:25
Hi Brendan, it's taken a while but I think the penny has dropped. I've always pronounced the silent letter.
Cracking puzzle but I think 22d is a bit 'overworked'!
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30th August 2020, 09:36
Quisling, on reflection you are probably right as 'in Alabama' could be removed although it establishes 'in America' so fair play. I'd actually considered the correct themed part early on but my lifelong habit of pronouncing the silent letter (which Chambers has as 'humerous' as per Flanders and Swann) kept me up the gum tree (:o) Mea culpa!!
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30th August 2020, 09:37
Lumen, 22 is a thematic clue (as you've probably realised). The first syllable is your buffalo with a silent G, the second the soldier (GI ***). They're then swapped to give the name of Jupiter's wife. You might find it easier to work backwards with this one.

25: It's an anagram of SNOWIER following a two-letter word for THROUGH from which the second letter, Y, is extra.
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30th August 2020, 09:38
Can you give me a final nudge then? Seems to be enough going on in 22d to fill eight or nine cells, not four!
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30th August 2020, 09:41
Thanks Loge, posts crossed.’s not in Chambers, albeit mentioned in preamble.
I’ll work on 35 now.
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30th August 2020, 09:41
One resembling Buffalo + GNU
Alabama soldier = JOE
GNU-JOE when treated thematically gives the entry
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30th August 2020, 09:45
22 was my last in because Chambers doesn't give the thematic meaning of it. It isn't too hard to find online, though.
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30th August 2020, 09:47
25a had me puzzled for a while, even with the answer, but a google of 'The ********' resolved matters. I wasn't aware of the origin of the term.
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30th August 2020, 09:49
Sorry, I meant 35a.
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