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3rd November 2020, 10:48
My mother used to sing it to me as a lullaby. Brought back memories!
231 of 254  -   Report This Post


3rd November 2020, 10:50
Thanks, Quisling!
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3rd November 2020, 14:20
And another 4 letter word that defies.
The figure in purple could be in aid of weather-forecasting (4)
-E-O now NERO the Roman emperor may be associated with in purple but I'm struggling to find a met office acronym!
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3rd November 2020, 15:32
Certainly is NERO. If you insert it in AID you get a(nero)id, as in the type of barometer used in weather forecasting
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3rd November 2020, 15:55
For once, nothing in these old 1973 Times with a literary allusion - but I still didn't see it. Sigh...
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3rd November 2020, 17:48
To finish the 1970s off then.
This is what comes of making representations (6)
EMBLEM but no parsing
She helped James on toward 5d (which is The Golden Fleece) (5) and I have MEDEA although where James comes in I don't know, unless Jason's buddies used a different name for him!
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3rd November 2020, 17:52
I think EMBLEM is just a rather weak cryptic definition. If it had been (4), LOGO would have worked just as well.

There may be more to it, though....

No idea how James and MEDEA relate!
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3rd November 2020, 17:58
I agree about Emblem being a weak cryptic definition.

Jas is a common abbreviation on James, seen in the Bible. So “James on” contracts to Jason
In the clue, to give the Argonaut connection
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3rd November 2020, 18:56
Thanks guys!!!
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4th November 2020, 21:25
This from an odd Araucaria I have hanging around. It's one of those where I have all the consonants but none of the vowels, and the structure of the crossword is such that you don't know where the vowels fit.
Girl with fashionable lover from 19 across (6) CNR
19a is CANARY
Now I can construct CONURE, a parakeet, but I can neither elicit the parsing nor see the Canary connection, so I'm not sure it's correct.
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