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23rd August 2020, 08:39
I initially thought there was a word missing from the message as well. I think the setters (it's a collaboration) have been rather wily here. They knew that some solvers will remember the classic solution from encountering the problem previously, and that others (i.e. me!) will look it up online. Therefore they opted for a different solution which isn't as elegant as the classic one but is original and has to be worked out from scratch.

Didn't we have a Listener based on this in the last few years?
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23rd August 2020, 09:29
Brendan, a belated reply to #18, as I couldn't access the site for most of the afternoon (my time).
Yes, just completed the grid fill.
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23rd August 2020, 10:22
Loge@21 I agree. There isn't a word missing and the end point is true..... drxx's guidance should get solvers to the correct end point.
I really enjoyed this, once certain symmetries started to appear and the off-grid parts began to look 'interesting' things fell into place quite nicely.
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23rd August 2020, 16:14
I've completed the grid and found the perimeter message and the line's 2 end-points. Despite drxx's helpful hints (posts 3 &12) I'm stuck on the line drawing, geometry not being my forte. Any further hints (not too blatant, please) would be most welcome.
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23rd August 2020, 16:23
Just solved it! (Amazing how many times posting a query results in solving the problem myself a few minutes later. Doh!)
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24th August 2020, 05:45
Hi Mattrom,

Thanks for your reply. I've finally figured out the how to join the dots using 4 lines - "thinking out.........." indeed - An excellent puzzle:-)
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25th August 2020, 01:02
Might have been polite to share your insight with us gaz, but never mind.

Not for me this one. I don't really care to have to read the compilers' minds in order to complete. Or to have solved a similar Listener in recent months. One for the recycling pile.
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25th August 2020, 08:31
betty2 ... if you have the perimeter message it..
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25th August 2020, 12:33
Only my third ever attempt at an Inquisitor - think I've got there!

I've just spotted the word ITERATE in the completed grid. Is that there by accident or design?
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