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22nd August 2020, 21:59
Yes, that's why I felt we needed the extra word. Or am I just being awkward?
11 of 29  -   Report This Post


22nd August 2020, 22:15
...sorry biggus56 - '...opp corner and turn vertically...' (not horiz!).
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22nd August 2020, 22:20
You might say you’re being awkward Nelson. I couldn’t possibly comment :-D
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22nd August 2020, 22:26
Yes, I tend to agree with you Morenz. I should stop being such a pendant (as someone - really - once said to me).
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23rd August 2020, 04:39
I've got a full grid with the message around the edges and that spelled out by the extra letters, but before I move on to the next stage there are two I can't fully parse....

5d Bone of the ear bears mark associated with diffusion of fluid (7)

I can see a 4 letter "bone of the ear" and M for "mark"? but that leaves 2 letters which I can't match to the rest of the clue.

16a Worried about exercise? Hardly! (6, 2 words)

This has an extra letter which I think is "U" but if "worried" is the first three letters then that leaves ASE + U for the rest - where have I gone wrong?

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23rd August 2020, 05:07
Hi Brendan,
5d. is a word for a bone + M + 'of the ear'
16a. 'exercise' could be 'use'?
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23rd August 2020, 05:09
5d Bone of the ear bears mark associated with diffusion of fluid (7)
os=technical term for bone (see Collins)

16a Worried about exercise? Hardly! (6, 2 words)
it's an &lit - a=about, and indeed U is extra (from use)
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23rd August 2020, 05:16
OMG! I fell right into the "bone of the ear" as one word trap and for 16a it never occurred to me that A could stand for "about", I've only ever seen C or CA On or RE.

Many thanks Mattrom.

PS are you doing this puzzle?
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23rd August 2020, 05:18
Many thanks Gabriel.

I know this has been mentioned before but the extra letters message appears to one word short - there are three empty cells in the N.... it looks like it should say E... or W.... like the first two.
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23rd August 2020, 07:09
merenz, drxx - indeed. I overstepped "continuous" and went for "closed". Thank you.
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