Philip, very good - CHESHIRE SET!!!
Nice to hear from you on the thread.
What do they put in that French wine!
Glad you enjoyed the trip to France. Nice to hear that you survived the Cheshire visit a few weeks ago. If you can't beat them - why not join them?
I quite enjoy trevor and terry's silliness,most of the time they make me smile! And they always help out when they can,from what I've read in the last few months since I've joined this lovely forem.x
Sorry you disapproved of my little joke. I wasn't aware that such postings are not allowed.
But really,don't you think you are tempting fate a bit by promising/threatening to "go away" if the offence is repeated. Wouldn't it be more sensible to follow your friends example of just ignoring it.
I would just ignore this if I was you. By the way, what do you think of this,no perhaps I'll save it.
is it really this easy to get rid of a v grumpy, v serious, v
soon to be missed genius~(give it 2 weeks,tops,to be absent and totally forgotten)
bye bye Carabanga.
love Tweedle.x
terry and trevor,
morbosi pariter, gemelli utrique,
uno in lecticulo erudituli ambo,
non hic quam ille magis vorax adulter,
riuales socii puellularum.
Pulcre conuenit improbis cinaedis.