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27th July 2020, 21:45

Yes lets hope so. It is rather like your theory of the names in the "If" puzzle a couple of months ago. You had to be right, yet the setter claimed no credit for it.
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27th July 2020, 21:47
Well spotted Jigjag. Wonderful if you are right. Are you going to enter with 9 highlighted? It must surely be allowed.
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27th July 2020, 21:49
LOL! igjag:-)

I swear I was going to reference my "If" puzzle "episode" in my reply but wondered 'if' anyone would even remember.

You're a true optimist Jigjag, like myself:-)
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27th July 2020, 21:57

I remember your theory well. It got me looking for extras in subsequent ones e.g. the spare IT in the Crooked House puzzle. I tried (and succeeded I think) to incorporate it but the setter said they were just redundant letters.
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27th July 2020, 22:11
Hi Grunger,

I admire your dedication:)

I still look for these "extras" despite my past failures. In addition to my "If" theories, do you remember the "Two's Company" puzzle by Pink? I modified the grid to read "Sea Fish Ration" when it should have read "Selfish Nation" - boy, was my face 🥵
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28th July 2020, 13:00

I dont remember that one but your answer seems reasonable. I have had a nasty experience with seafood so I try to avoid it now, but I sometimes have cod and chips, or fish pie.
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29th July 2020, 13:48
Brendan, Jigjag: I certainly remember (unsurprisingly!). You might like to glance at the comments thread for the puzzle on 15/2, where I responded to the interesting speculation.

As to this puzzle, I thought it exploited the length coincidences very cleverly; and I always admire a setter who's prepared to take on the challenge of a restrictive clueing gimmick.
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29th July 2020, 17:05

Thanks for your comments here and on 15*2. I know the poem well as it was my father's "party piece" and I supported Brendan's theory about the names relating to themes in it e.g. Henry and Tudor had to be "kings". But as you say, it was just a coincidence.

I was pleased with myself when I managed to solve your puzzle. I agree it was one of your easier ones, but I had never completed one of yours before.
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29th July 2020, 17:38
Thank you for the feedback, Jigjag. I hope that at least you enjoyed tackling the others. You obviously took inspiration from that other IF; If at first you don't succeed...

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29th July 2020, 17:51
Hi Ifor,

Thanks very much for your comments (and making me look like a complete idiot!) - I jest of course 😉

Kipling's "triumph and disaster" line pretty much sums up my solving career to date 🤪

I'm sure I speak for many when I say how appreciated it is when a setter takes the time to read and reply to the solvers comments.

Keep 'em coming:-)
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