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31st July 2020, 17:23
Everyone else is probably halfway through the next one now, but I've only just filled the grid of this one. I understand everything bar the parsing of 41 across, and have no idea what kind of code I'm meant to be using as replacement in the two columns. I get the impression from earlier comments in this grid that's it's a numerical code for lettering, but a more precise pointer would be helpful.

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31st July 2020, 21:23
Same here Suzannah, and it looks like the new one won't make us all suffer as much. For 41, take the letters SEND out of consideration and you're left with an anagram of the 8-footed verse answer (less the extra D).
At least I'm sure of that D, My instruction letters for the last 4 across clues read RDDT, which don't make much sense. Any guidance gratefully received.
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31st July 2020, 22:10
I had EADD and that seemed to work
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1st August 2020, 08:18
Thanks tatters, i had the wrong unchecked letter in 43. It makes a bit more sense now. At least this week’s won’t be as time-consuming.
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1st August 2020, 14:45
suzzanahj - replacement code is A=1, B=2 etc then if adding A & B you get 3 = C. If greater than 26 then subtract 26.
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2nd August 2020, 12:35
Have done the decoding but no idea what it all means. !! Are GOYASCORVIEJO the correct first 13 letters? Would welcome confirmation by some kind soul! (Never learnt any Spanish ! )
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2nd August 2020, 12:40
The sixth should be D, not C, and the eighth should be S, not R. That should help you locate the artwork, preceded by the artist’s name.
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2nd August 2020, 13:31
Many Many thanks, quisling! For some reason I had down Y as the 24th letter of the alphabet ! Hmm. ... Cheers and thanks again !
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