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19th July 2020, 11:49
Managed to finish this one before checking the forum, a first for me! But some I couldn't parse - most of them explained already, thanks all. But 25a still doesn't make sense apart from it being a synonym. I know I'm being dense but what does East End have to do with it??
And my COD is 3d because I work in theatre so I saw it straight away (unusual for me...)
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19th July 2020, 11:53
Hi Lucy, East Enders tend to drop their h’s ;)
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19th July 2020, 11:53
you drop an initial h (as in east end speech, supposedly) from a word meaning exciting. as simond said earlier, there really should be a sounds like indicator.
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19th July 2020, 12:16
Just woken up to see that 18d is still controversial. I think the clue to 18d is the position of the comma. The temperature dropping applies to the definition before the comma, but the answer is the definition after the comma. A bit sly because it's nearly always the other way round.
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19th July 2020, 12:19
I don't think you can rely on a comma, rainman - a general rule is to ignore punctuation in a clue!
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19th July 2020, 12:27
That’s why it’s sly.
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19th July 2020, 12:44
I’ve changed my answer to the word with H in it, I can just about make it work
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19th July 2020, 13:41
I managed to finish without checking the forum, as someone else said. I don't understand the spoonerism in 13d, though I do have the answer. I think. And 4d - I have an answer but can't parse it. I quite liked 2d as COD.
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19th July 2020, 13:42
In the Spooner there's an implied "is" the other way round from the grid entry.
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19th July 2020, 13:48
sorry chrise. don't get it.
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