To use the old footballing cliche, this was a "game of two halves" for me.
I fairly raced through the top half, with an easy anagram at 1a (although being a newish term, it doesn't appear in all anagram solvers) and another at 11a.
The only query I have in the top half is with the first three letters of 8d which, if I'm correct, are derived from "hot" - which I sort of see but not quite!
Then I faltered slightly at the spoonerism in 13d and didn't quite get the "preferred way to serve" part in 20a even though the answer is clear.
By the time I got to 18d I'd pretty much ground to a halt. Whenever I've seen "temperature dropping" in a clue before it's means to lower the T in the original definition to produce a second one - the problem I have with this clue is that, though I have an answer, I can't work out what the "pre-temperature dropping" word is:-( No doubt someone will enlighten me.
The SE corner then fell nicely into place with two very gettable 4 letter words and a long anagram.
Lastly my COD - 26a a quite superb clue with a smooth surface and historical accuracy to boot:-)
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Stay safe:-)