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18th July 2020, 20:11
Hi Brendan

Thanks for your hints. I managed to get 14d whilst waiting for the vet to see our cat. Thanks for 15ac.

I've now got 23 ac and am puzzled I didn't see it before.

Our 16 year old cat has an infection in his rear leg, probably from a bite by another cat. He wouldn't let the vet look at his paw in detail as it is swollen and our cat can be difficult. He has had an injection of antibiotics and we have to wait and see if the abcess bursts.

Just four left to get in the crossword.

A friend of mine sent me via Amazon a book about crosswords. You may know it as it was published back in 2003. It is called Pretty Girl in Crimson Rose (8). It was very good. I'd recommend it if you haven't read it.
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18th July 2020, 20:12
I forgot to say the book is by Sandy Balfour and is aimed at Guardian crossworders.
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18th July 2020, 20:23
Hi Roof,

Your poor cat, that sounds very painful - lets hope the antibiotics do the trick. I know cats can be very wary of strangers, we had one "Snooky" growing up and my friends were always very wary around her - with good reason!

I'll look into that book, I see it's by Sandy Balfour and gets very good reviews.

I've only ever bought one book on crosswords and it was an absolute con and waste of money. The first and only sentence in the book read......."the following are types of words you are likely to see in crosswords" - there then followed about 50 pages of random words from the dictionary - I couldn't believe it, that was all there was to it!!!
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18th July 2020, 20:37
Hi Brendan

I've finished now, though I fail to see the relationship between 14d and 22d

I think I rather liked 19d. Much to my amazement I've managed to parse them all.

Thanks for the hints. I'll let you know next week how Oscar is doing.
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18th July 2020, 21:02
Hi Roof

I hope Oscar gets better soon.

I had no idea of the link between 14d and 22d.
However, having a look around with google I discovered that the home of the Bone and Joint journal is 22 Buckingham Street!
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18th July 2020, 21:06
Hi Rossim, Roof,

It's much simpler than that. See mine and Chris' posts at @22 and @23.
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18th July 2020, 23:49
Thanks Brendan.
I was way off the mark.
Why I had 13a in my foggy head I've absolutely no idea!
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18th July 2020, 23:53
I know the feeling Rossim.

There was an IQ puzzle a few weeks ago where I saw all sorts of "hidden" meanings - only for the setter to appear and say I'd basically imagined them:-)
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19th July 2020, 10:24
I realise I'm going potty with this lockdown but you must admit the 22 and street was such a coincidence I thought I'd nailed it!
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