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11th July 2020, 12:04
Grid filled relatively quickly, but then.....I can't see how to apply the instruction . I assume it's applied to the non-word anagrams , as final entries have to be real words etc. Could anyone help please.
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11th July 2020, 12:13
This is a stinker of an endgame (but very clever). Treat the penultimate item in the message as a definition clue and consider what the number in brackets would signify. Hope that's enough of a nudge; it's early days yet.
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11th July 2020, 12:31
Thanks, loge. I'm none the wiser. Are the 2 symmetrically placed items the only ones that need treatment?
What sort of meaning am I looking for in the penultimate word ?
I hate it when I complete a grid fill in less than an hour and then spend twice as long unsuccessfully on the endgame.
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11th July 2020, 12:40
The penultimate word in the instruction (call it X) is the X of this puzzle. From that you'll know how many cells need to be treated. There are quite a few of them.

I realise that's rather vague but I don't want to give obvious spoilers at this stage. Hope this helps a bit more!
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11th July 2020, 12:45
And remember there's a missing punctuation mark in the message.
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11th July 2020, 13:01
Thanks again loge, but I think I'll leave it for a while and try to look at it with fresh eyes later.
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11th July 2020, 13:12
Isn't what's in cell 25 rather spoiling things?
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11th July 2020, 13:14
On reflection - no, it isn't. Sorry!
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11th July 2020, 15:32
I need a serious push with the instruction. I had that with the apostrophe much earlier with a completed grid but after prolonged strain I am no nearer and don’t understand (29)
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11th July 2020, 15:55
I'm at the same stage...perhaps something to do with "no bars in the original grid" ....perhaps they move after the changes??
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