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11th July 2020, 09:37
26d: the 2nd, 3rd, 4th words of the clue on vacation
34a : first word is redundant, then live and from
23d: R removed from a cask to give a vessel

I am not at all sure of the redundant words - there are far more than 12 possibilities. Presumably I have to rearrange letters from these to obtain the spoken phrase from the poem. I will probably have a go, but I spotted the highlighting in the grid very fast and I can see that the items are nicely protected from at least eight answers which are threatening to engulf them. So it seems a bit redundant now to do anything with the extra words. (Or, for that matter, the unclued words)
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11th July 2020, 09:59
One of the four is a new one to me, even though I lived in the country for two years. Quite enjoyable once finished, This weeks inquisitor looks interesting.......
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11th July 2020, 10:02
Now I have the redundant words, but only by working back from the poem. I can also anagram 21 of the 22 letters in the unclued lights to get a comment about the protagonist, but it is not all that convincing. Perhaps I should try harder.

I seem to have done this puzzle working backwards from the final grid to the justification!
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11th July 2020, 12:28
Thanks Foinavon for those parsings. I'm still stuck in top RH corner, what to enter for 8,9dn - I think they're both transfers.
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11th July 2020, 12:39
Dylan, you are correct - both are transfers, from 33a and 12a respectively. Can help with parsing if needed.
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11th July 2020, 12:40
Dylan, yes, they are. Took a time to work out, but moving an ā€˜nā€™ letter word obviously leaves an n letter hole somewhere else.

The vague suspicion of commonality of some of the answers now makes sense...
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11th July 2020, 13:41
...and have finally worked out the proper meaning of the second part of the third sentence.

Many thanks Tringa.
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11th July 2020, 14:01
Got there in a roundabout way. Having filled the grid, found the person, found the hidden words, linked them to the moved words, found the poem...
Then went back and identified correctly the extra words!
Thank goodness for Google.
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11th July 2020, 15:07
tatters, I can't agree with your (tongue-in-cheek?) plea 'Why can't they stick to sport?' We've had football and horse racing themes in the last few weeks, and it's good to be dragged out of one's comfort zone occasionally - except when it comes round to a numerical puzzle... Why can't they stick to crossWORDS?
(At least there was a football pundit in this week's grid!)
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11th July 2020, 15:52
hotelwhiskey7: '...and have finally worked out the proper meaning of the second part of the third sentence.'
It's a good idea to read preambles with an eye open for cryptic nudges: 'extremely' leapt out at me, and my interpretation was, fortunately, the correct one.
I'm glad that, as with the moved words in Listener 4614, I started at the end - but without the wrong choice of words this time! - and worked backwards, as this one also began with initials and would have given me second thoughts!
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