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15th June 2020, 06:34
I think I may have gone wrong somewhere...

For the unclued entry in row 2 I have MOR?T?NH

Can anyone tell me if this is correct, only it doesn't seem to lead anywhere?
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15th June 2020, 06:42
I'm sorry, Brendan - it's your problem with the bars again! You've overlooked the one between the N and the H.
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15th June 2020, 06:43
Not again! I must proof these better.

Thanks Malone
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15th June 2020, 06:50
Glad I was able to help, Brendan.
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15th June 2020, 08:01
Now I've finally got all the bars sorted out, hopefully I can finish the last four clues...with a little help...

29a Sort of rich gloss I neglected (5) P???A

I think the misprint is an E making RICE, and there is a type of rice that fits the letter pattern, but I can see where "gloss I neglected" fits in. I've tried adding an L(eft) to the my answer but it doesn't lead back to "gloss".

19a They're used to cut what's left of fingernails mostly damaged after treatment finally fails (6) - F???M?S

15d Rows perhaps upset head protecting second of teachers (4) ??ET

20d Powdery substances blighted parsley - but not completely (6)

It looks like it's an anagram/blighted of "parsle(y) not completely" but it doesn't lead to anything that would fit a definition.

One or all of these might have a single letter misprint.
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15th June 2020, 08:07
15d Is E the misprint making ROWE?
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15th June 2020, 08:09
Brendan, if you put the neglected i back in you'll get a certain type of aged finish...not always gloss though.
20d ...try Chambers anagram facility it finds something sort of dusty.
19a ...think grass rather than fingernails
15d has a misprint in the first word.
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15th June 2020, 08:10
Brendan re Rowe....yes and one of them was PL.
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15th June 2020, 08:11
Ok, that gives me 19a as well.

That just leaves 20d and 29a.
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15th June 2020, 08:11
20 You're right about the anagram and the answer definitely fits the 'powdery substances', I've just checked Chambers.

29. If you put the I in the rice, after the first three letters, you'll have the gloss, sheen.

19. They're used to cut = the definition. It's a tradename, registered name, I think.
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