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5th June 2020, 02:46
Also, in 7d - why "lost in Lethe" - is it a famous mnemonic verse or something?
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5th June 2020, 02:47
Unless 6a. is 'tea' = China, slang for ???? inside 'order' + 'one', but that would seem pretty obscure.
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5th June 2020, 02:52
Lethe is where people lost their memory

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5th June 2020, 02:58
@6a I agree "tea" = China = ???? is tenuous, but it matches the answer exactly.

Thanks for the river, I'd assumed it was an indicator that the answer was Scottish!!
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5th June 2020, 03:11
Any thoughts on the definition for 6a?
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5th June 2020, 03:19
I think 'Might be bits of fly' works OK. As other insects have the same thing, it's not just 'bits of fly'.
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5th June 2020, 03:24
Got it, thanks again for all your help Mattrom:-)
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5th June 2020, 03:48
One more parsing..

34a my answer is a word meany "seduce" but is also a French (Debussy) term for "air" - what is the "festival no longer includes trumpet" reference?
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5th June 2020, 04:22
@34a It's Ok, I've got it.
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5th June 2020, 05:39
3d I have a "cable" and it's a word meaning ""one going round selling" but with an S(ky) instead of a K, but that's the 4th letter not the central one, so how does it equate to "not hub"?

I'm having second thoughts because if the K was still there it would give a 4 letter 14a
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