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8th May 2020, 00:26
Aristo, thanks to you I've been enjoying youtube clips of Carol Burnett - I might be wrong but I don't think we ever got her over here in the UK...

...We were in-between nobly brilliant US comedies like Sergeant Bilko and MASH - though we did get Rowan & Martin's laugh-in [which to a 12 year old boy in grim Britain was like crack cocaine for the soul!]

Watching the Carol Burnett clips I think maybe they shared something with Rowan and Martin's? I'm not sure how classifiable it is, but a lightness and an irreverence maybe? Modernism?

She was also, in my appallingly unreconstructed view, rather alluring...

Thank you again!


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8th May 2020, 00:42
If you haven't seen her spoof of Gone with the Wind you must find it on YouTube.
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8th May 2020, 00:49
Challenge accepted!
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8th May 2020, 10:56
Very amusing - and I thought had aged rather well. Those crinolines!

Put me in mind of Morcambe and Wise's playlets of that era - not sure if they made it across the pond, e.g.
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8th May 2020, 17:45
No, I don't think this was ever shown here, and Boston is the home of WGBH, which my sister and I always called the English Channel (a collaborator with the BBC). Funny, although I'd give the Monty Python semaphore version the edge. :) Thanks, kt!
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10th May 2020, 11:40
Aristo I'm just reading 'The Sellout' by Paul Beatty - it would fall foursquare under the heading 'Black Humour', in two senses!

He is an extraordinarily good writer, an American Swift say I.
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10th May 2020, 15:13
I'll have to read it. Right now I'm reading a lot of Spanish stuff. My wife and I were supposed to go to Granada in April and I wanted to brush up on the language. The trip fell through, of course, but I'm still on a roll.
Thanks for the recommendation.
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10th May 2020, 23:07
I feel for you, Granada is utterly wonderful - though gets busy and you have to buy timed tickets so choosing a good time is the key.

Mrs KT17 and I had a trip to Sardinia scuppered but had managed a trip to Florence and a tour of Scotland just before the lockdown, so we’re running on the vapours of those!
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11th May 2020, 17:01
We were lucky enough to have everything refunded, even the Alhambra tickets. I've been thinking about rebooking for October if Spain is open soon but wonder what the Generalife gardens will be like then.
I haven't been to Sardinia, but I love Sicily; Siracusa is one of my favorite places in the world (well, Ortygia at least).
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11th May 2020, 19:54
Aristo - you mentioned the `Mayflower` on another thread, you will know it`s the 400th anniversary of the voyage later in 2020. Many events are planned in the UK for visitors to enjoy (virus permitting) ... here is a link if anyone is interested ...

My local area includes Austerfield (William Bradford) and Scrooby (William Brewster) - both villages close to Bawtry and Tickhill. The small Churches where many of the pilgrims worshipped still exist. They moved to Holland before coming back to Plymouth to embark on their epic journey.
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