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4th May 2020, 07:24
Brendan, I think you'll enjoy this week's EV....
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4th May 2020, 07:44
Good morning Malone,

I've had a quick read through and it looks like another good one. I'll get stuck into it when I get back from the shops.
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5th May 2020, 09:05
Can I check I have completed the end finding the two five letter words? Highlight one and delete the other? Is that it?
Enjoyed solving the clues, but slightly disappointed if that’s it.
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5th May 2020, 09:10
Highlighting a six-letter word, I'd say...
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5th May 2020, 09:26
Six? I think the symmetry of both with 5 works nicely. And if we are talking about the same word, it appears without an e in all the searches I have done.
I had a fantasy I’d be removing all the O’s, (absence of..etc) and changing all the S’s to L or G, and making real words in the grid!
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5th May 2020, 09:36
Thanks, Lumen. I chose the longer version because it looks less … English, that's all!

Yes, I too would have liked a slightly bigger finish!
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12th May 2020, 13:56
Lumen, I've seen the blog for this puzzle, and your 5-letter word was the correct version. This won't change your slight feeling of anti-climax, of course!
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12th May 2020, 16:02
I was going to give you my solution, which I posted to my own blog site a week ago, but I was told "you are not allowed to post links within the first week of signing up and must have posted 5 other posts first".

Anyway, it's only the second Inquisitor I've ever solved (with a bit of help from this thread) and it was knackering! #1644 wasn't too bad but if they're all like this I'm giving up.

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