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1st May 2020, 21:21
Am I right in thinking that bars don't go in any of the dotted cells?

Also, for those clues that have an empty cell, do we still put in the whole word, but just leave a 1 cell gap if it crosses the dotted cell? For example, if the answer is PENCIL and it crosses a dotted cell where the 3rd letter would be, is it PE NCIL or PE CIL?

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1st May 2020, 21:33
Hi brendan, no bars within dotted cells but they may be either side
In your example which you know crosses a dotted cell, it would be entered pen cil.
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1st May 2020, 21:35
Sorry, pe ncil.
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1st May 2020, 21:37
That's excellent, because some of the columns and rows with dotted areas only have 7 places to put bars. Many thanks Neil.
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1st May 2020, 22:14
I must be missing something, how do we know where the bars go?
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2nd May 2020, 14:36
Have a full grid, the song and its source but nagging doubts about 2 entries.

for "sound of joints..strip" I have mganga but that is only to fit *g*nga rather than solving the clue

for the final down clue I now have "nash" but that isn't in my chambers app.

Would be good to get confirmation or otherwise

Cheers in advance
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2nd May 2020, 14:49
They're both right - the original answer is defined by 'strip' as in cartoon. The other original answer is defined by 'light grey', and Nash could be a proper noun.
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2nd May 2020, 14:49
I agree, tatters. For the first, think strip as in Japanese cartoon, removing joints in the leg from a metallic element. I assumed that Nash was just a name, like Sorin, otherwise the compiler would have included an extra bar in the final column
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2nd May 2020, 14:53
...first is - 'mang' + 'a' from mang(a)[nese] = 'metal' minus the 'a' + the 'sound of' 'knees'
...'ash' = 1/3 of ash(molean).
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2nd May 2020, 18:22
Thank you all so much. My pessimism was misplaced!
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