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28th April 2020, 14:28
Wlliamseal, glad I could help. I've done the same thing, forgotten about the name of the setter!
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28th April 2020, 14:30
Hi again williamseal, glad you got the jersey sorted.
Pondered = revolved with m (money) replacing the first v.
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28th April 2020, 14:43
Thanks ginge
A good puzzle in the end.
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30th April 2020, 19:50

I think I have done something different to you. I can see the most left band member in a straight line, which I assume is the intention, but there is a cluster of the same 6 letters in that area, and if you join them, there is a handle bar shape. This might be an amazing co-incidence.
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30th April 2020, 20:59
Jigjag, Brendan

I'm never very good at these 'images', but I have two fairly decent circles, filled appropriately. I've got those and the three lines and the name on the top - that's my lot.
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30th April 2020, 21:48
Hi Jigjag, hi Malone,

I can sort of see the handlebar shape, but I'm sicking with the vertical line due to the pure symmetry of the picture.

Looking forward to this week's puzzles, now.
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30th April 2020, 22:15
Brendan, it must be my visualising that's at fault! I've got all the same stuff as you mentioned in your earlier post - lines, circles, the frontman's name... Maybe it's because I didn't do any colouring!
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30th April 2020, 22:27
Hi Malone,

There's no doubt that colouring in helps bring the the picture to life. I try to use as much colour as I can, especially when drawing out any endgame the setter had in mind. In the Tennyson poem crossword I drew the "jaws of death" and "mouth of "hell" in red marker, and the "six hundred" in blue, and it makes all the difference - or maybe I just like bright colours:-)
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30th April 2020, 22:32
Brendan, thanks. I love your enthusiasm - but I don't think I'll ever share it! So long as I know what it is I'm representing, that's enough for me. I was impressed with how the Tennyson one worked, it was so well-designed - but I wouldn't have appreciated it any more in colour.
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1st May 2020, 15:52

Last week you suggested that this EV would not be as "punworthy" as the "Shorts" one. I have to admit that you were right. Being a jazz fan, I thought that it would be taylor-made for me. But even with the mercury rising, I stuggled. However at church the deacon explained what the French phrases meant and I was able to complete it. May this Sunday's be as good as the last three please.


I know you are right because of the lovely symmetry, but amazing that the handlebar exists. Did you come across them in your band days?
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