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28th April 2020, 00:29
....also, can I have a parse for..

17a Former nobleman learning after switching sides (4)

I have the answer, which has the same letters as a 4 letter word meaning "learning" but don't see how 'switching sides' leads to it.
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28th April 2020, 00:37
Ignore my question regarding the first or second name - the other band members all appear by their surname, so it must be the same for the frontman.
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28th April 2020, 00:37
Brendan, just switch the two sides of the word.

As for the top, the other highlighted names are surnames, so I imagine the surname was intended here. But who cares if we don’t have to send our solutions in?! And would anyone be bothered to colour it in?
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28th April 2020, 00:39
Two minds with but a single thought!
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28th April 2020, 00:44
Thanks Rad, I

got it in my head that the "sides" that needed switching were the R and L and was just tying myself up in knots. I'm quite arty so I'm going to colour mine in. I've got a lovely set of Derwent pencils, so it's just a matter of picking the right shade:-)
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28th April 2020, 01:11
This puzzle is another masterpiece.

I've just drawn the lines through the names of the band members (in red felt marker) and circles through the inspiration for the song (in blue felt marker) and coloured in the frontman's name and, lo and behold - there is a beautiful visual representation of a Bic..... - Outstanding:-)
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28th April 2020, 02:57
On a completely unrelated issue..

If anyone ever needs a list of any jazz musician who's ever worn a yellow shirt - I'm your man:-)
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28th April 2020, 14:12
Hello ginge (or anyone else who can help)

Thanks to your steer I have solved the garment in the down clues. I do find 'extra letters' clues difficult to parse so could I ask for assistance with:
5d. Pondered taking money for top five dismissed (7)
26d. Sailor Vismut absent briefly in Zodiac divisions (6)?

I've found the answers and, assuming I'm correct, they produce the extra letters L and A but I cannot parse. The second is particularly irritating - Vismut is a translation of Bismuth (Bi?)

thanks in advance
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28th April 2020, 14:16
26 the A comes from Tar, sailor... Vismuth is the setter,I, so Tr I Gon(e).
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28th April 2020, 14:24
Thanks Malone

How foolish of me not to look at the name of the setter. One of my sone recommended I stick to word search!!

Many thanks
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