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26th April 2020, 12:09
Another neat, well constructed and thoroughly enjoyable puzzle. We have been spoiled recently. On last week's theme - absinthe makes the heart grow fonder. Stay safe! Stay strong!
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26th April 2020, 13:03
Help please with parses:
34a Revolutionary previously followed god (4) looks like DEUS ?
28d Start at the back in race for grooms (6) looks like TRAINS

and ...
22d Careless beards - occasionally they could be atreaky (7) ?A???RS
anagram of beards + te ? with 1 letter extra?
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26th April 2020, 13:07
got 22d now
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26th April 2020, 13:23
sued reversed (old meaning is followed). Yes trains. Race = strain and s goes to the back.
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26th April 2020, 13:26
Thanks alwayspuzzled .... funnily enough just watched his film the other night!
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27th April 2020, 19:29
Completed the puzzle but couldn't identify the 12 letters in the down clues. Is the first word the colour of a garment? If so could someone kindly indicate the clues where these and the following letters occur.

Ironically earlier this year I passed the house where he was born in Stone City. I never cared for the music so I didn't go round the shrine!

Thanks in advance for anyone who will help
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27th April 2020, 19:44
williamseal I am in the same position as you having completed the grid. I have an F for 1d, ie force = raf, but that doesn’t seem to fit any words.
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27th April 2020, 19:59
Hi pentomino & williamseal (yes it's the garment you're thinking of), I'm afraid I no longer have the puzzle but force in 1d is ram rather than RAF which provides the first letter.
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27th April 2020, 20:14
Hi again williamseal, apologies for what may have been a bum steer. It is a coloured garment but the colour is the second word.
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28th April 2020, 00:22
Are we to enter the surname of the singer over the top or his first name, only both have seven letters, so arguably it could be either - or am I missing something.
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