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27th April 2020, 11:32
A final thought: people have different amounts of time they are able or willing to devote to crosswords. In my case it's no more than 5 hours a week, so I employ any aid that reduces my solving time, except other people. But I have dim recollections of a housemaster at Eton in the 70s called Bobby Bourne, a classicist who was a Listener aficionado, who considered the use of a dictionary to be cheating.

"O tempora! O mores!"
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27th April 2020, 22:23
I’ve stuttered to the end of this (speeded up immensely by the search options in the BRB phone app), and have plausible ring entries but the parsing for clue 4 eludes me. No idea where the hanging comes in. Any hint gratefully received. Thanks.
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27th April 2020, 22:29
I could be wrong but I read this as the first 5 letters is a 'hanging' or 'tapestry' followed by the usual 1 letter abbr. of 'tense' - definition in Chambers is 'A red tapist' ie bureacrat.
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27th April 2020, 22:31
4 The first five letters of the answer is an old word for a hanging, a wall-covering, add the usual 'tense'. The answer itself is a bureaucrat.
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27th April 2020, 23:27
Thanks Brendan and Malone. I would have seen that if I’d had the right answer, but picked the wrong letter to shift in 3 and had TIM as the common letters. It’s been a long 3 days.....
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30th April 2020, 11:20
Sorry for the lateness of this post but I've been starting and stopping this puzzle since the weekend. Thanks to the hints here and on the other thread I've completed all but 2 of the clues - 7 & 32.
Any help would be much appreciated.
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30th April 2020, 11:32
7 is 2,4 .... you get it at the chinese takeaway
32 can't think of a hint .....squirr
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30th April 2020, 12:01
Thanks kirky, I had thought of that for 7 but couldn't work out the parsing.
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30th April 2020, 12:10
fung is synonym for phoenix
yu is synonym for jade
Both in Bradfords red dictionary if you have it?
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30th April 2020, 12:57
Thanks for your help kirky
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