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26th April 2020, 10:59
French composer is the def....3 letter word for block up ( or male sheep!) + 3 letter word for ditch/ or old word for water
11 of 62  -   Report This Post


26th April 2020, 11:09
I seem to be stuck on 24, 32 and 33. I made the mistake initially by putting the message in the 6th ring, until I read the preamble. Hasn’t done me much good though, putting it into the 5th.
Can anyone help with Thor three clues?
12 of 62  -   Report This Post


26th April 2020, 11:10
Sorry, those three clues.
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26th April 2020, 11:24
Managed to get 32, as usual right after I posted.
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26th April 2020, 11:30
Hi xij

24 - sovereign (coin) =SOV, backwards around the Latin for law. VR is virtual reality.

This crossword becomes a lot easier once you realize there is a method in how certain letters are moved to the outside, but you've probably discovered that already.
15 of 62  -   Report This Post


26th April 2020, 11:37
Now got 24.
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26th April 2020, 11:38
Thanks for all the help with 11. I’m down to single figures to solve!
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26th April 2020, 11:45
Thanks orson. I’d just got it. It seems that once I post something I get the answer straightaway. So I’ll try it with 33.
I’ve got the message from ring 5, but don’t understand the meaning, or ring 1. Does not knowing about the game put me at a disadvantage?
18 of 62  -   Report This Post


26th April 2020, 12:04
Thanks for starting this thread Malone. I have a question on one clue: 20 - Rather dismal indeed in shameful glow.

If the answer describes my beloved Cardiff Rugby team's jersey and is built around an embarrassed response how does 'indeed' fit it? Is 'I' in some way an abbreviation?

I shall look again as this and the other thread develop but I have concluded that this puzzle is too difficult. If any setters are following this discussion I would simply say that the cold clues are too hard. There would be enough stretch in the puzzle for me if they were a lot easier.

I say this not as a complaint, merely an observation. I accept that the higher level of solvers need a challenge. I do enjoy the effort and benefit from the thread.
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26th April 2020, 12:08
Still battling on. Any help with the pesky evening primroses in 25 much appreciated.
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