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19th April 2020, 02:53
I found this one a wee bit challenging today, but some pleasing clues too.

As a kiwi I had to google to get 12a once I figured out the second word.

I do not understand what "poaching" has to do with 1d assuming I have the answer right.

My favourites today were 16a, 21a and 20d.
22a deserves a highly commendable.
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19th April 2020, 03:40
Hi Matador, the answer to 1d. is also Cockney rhyming slang for a certain type of criminal, who could be a poacher.
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19th April 2020, 05:19
Thanks Mattrom .Makes sense now.
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19th April 2020, 05:28
I had difficulty with 22a, since it refers to a not so popular name. But once you look up this name, 22a makes sense. Other clues with proper names were easy, including 18d.
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19th April 2020, 07:44
Morning all. Hope we are all coping. Found todays rather straightforward perhaps too many obvious anagrams unless I am just getting better at this which i doubt. And letter swaps 11a 19d can be a give away.
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19th April 2020, 07:52
Is "captain" right in 21a? Not what he's most remembered for!
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19th April 2020, 07:58
One day internationals only I think.
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19th April 2020, 09:33
Could someone confirm that 17d is TINY TIT ?

If I google it, I don't find any species of said bird, only some semi-pornographic images.
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19th April 2020, 09:35
Your second word is wrong, demeter.
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19th April 2020, 09:39
The answer is a term for a littl’un - the bird sits around it and the city you’ve got...
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