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15th April 2020, 06:09
I get scant preparation before going live - and pass! (8)
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15th April 2020, 08:31


15th April 2020, 10:21
Good going so far, peeps. I already have a sizeable shortlist of clues.
There are a couple I can't parse :
Aristo's @20, &
FJ's @24
Could someone oblige ? Ta.

Kt / Kilgore. Let us know when the gunfight gets scheduled. The loser's epitaph will be " So it goes "
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15th April 2020, 11:12
Malcolm, FJ's 24 could be an anagram of 'stannic + o'
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15th April 2020, 11:32
Thanks Mattrom. Not come across ' stannic ' before. But isn't this what's known as an indiect anagram ? It asks the solver to find a synonym and THEN unscramble. Same with a clue in the latest PR where ' instrument ' meant an anagram of flute. Are these considered ' kosher ' ?
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15th April 2020, 11:36
Cheers Mattrom spot o
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15th April 2020, 11:45
Hi Malcolmx
There are two forms of tin (Sn), stannic and stannous
Like Iron ferric and ferrous
The clue states "form of tin"
Def is fine
Anagrind is mix
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15th April 2020, 11:59
Re aristo @ 20, s(u)ction => s(an)ction; [a "u" turn].
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kilgore trout

15th April 2020, 12:22
malcolm, the website has a page discussing indirect anagrams that concludes "The end result of this controversy is not a global ban on indirect anagrams, but general agreement that they are unfair and excessively difficult, which has led to their disuse in almost all major cryptic crosswords."

Regarding a duel with the other KT, I propose sabers at 20 paces.
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15th April 2020, 12:25
Thanks Ginge, FJ.
Okay, my comment re the ' indirect ' anagrams doesn't apply then, though I'd still like to know what folks think about such constructions. I'm sure we don't want to get too bogged down with rules & regulations. I'm also in a crossword group on FB, and there anything indirect is frowned upon.
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